Thursday, September 10, 2009

This is some interesting info about human physiology... =)

Scientific Explanation Of Love

Generally, we understand and defined LOVE as an intense feeling that causes fondness toward someone or something. In a conference on love 30 years ago held in the US, the delegates has agreed that love is a ‘cognitive-affective’ state characterized by intrusive and aggressive fantasizing concerning the reciprocity of amorant feelings by the amorance.

There are scientific explanations of love lies between. We, HUMAN is a complex organism in which our body functions are regulated mainly by neurotransmitter and hormones action. This regulation may cause changes in action as well as emotions after integrating process occur in the Limbic System of the Brain. Caudate nucleus which lies deep inside the midbrain is very sensitive towards emotional changes and the rate of activity of caudate nuclei indicate the level of passion of the human towards the object.

There are 3 main stages involved when fallen in love :

· Stage 1 : LUST – a development of feeling

>> Driven by the hormone : Estrogen and Progesterone that pull us out of control

- Depends on that person, this stage may proceed to the next stage or dies out as hormonal secretion depletes

· Stage 2 : Attraction – a love-struck phase

>> stage when we start to lose appetite, sleeplessness and low concentration in things we have to do.

- They will experience palm sweating, increase in heartbeat ( esp. when that person was around!=p ), become breathless, can think rationally, stutter and feels as if they have butterflies in stomach

# All 3 monoamines are regulated by PEA (phenylethlyamine)

è PEA : control transition fr lust to love

: brings us to state of euphoria, excitement and secretion of odors to seduce our partner

>> Hormones : Monoamines

i. Noradrenaline (NA) and serotonin à Excite us!

-high focus, hyperactive,sleeplessness(without feeling sleepy) and weird behavior

ii. Dopamine à Make us happy

-bring us to state of euphoria, craving and addiction

-bring partner closer together

· Stage 3 : Attachment/Bonding

>> Oxytocin

è Strengthen bond between partner

- It is released by both sexes

- During orgasm : the amount released increased up to 5x normal secretion

# it give sexual pleasure

>> Vasopressin (NA)

è Strengthen bond and arouse jealousy between partners

>> Endorphins ( eg : morphins )

è Causes Longevity Of Love

In relationship, sometimes CONFLICTS arouse…

This may be due to the fact that hormonal secretion are not long-lasting!!

Hormones secretion will depletes over time as stimulus declines.

· Low [NA] >> weakened bond, failure to communicate nicely

· Low [Serotonin] >> panic, anxiety, depression, aggression

!! Flirtation may decrease serotonin and NA [ ]

!! Ego >> may cause depletion in oxytocin and serotonin

sharing is caring!! ~~

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